He Never Gave In, He Never Gave Up

by Allan S. Cohen

Delivered at the funeral of Melvin I. Cohen,
who passed away July 13, 2006 due to complications of PKD

July 16, 2006

The moment that we're born we begin to fight a battle that we cannot possibly win. Even as we take our first breath, open our eyes and gaze upon the world for the first time, we are beginning to die.

How do we go on in the face of this horrible truth? How do we keep fighting a battle that we must ultimately lose?

We fight it the way my brother Mel fought it, by grabbing life for all it's worth, by truly living life, taking part in it, not just observing it. Mel truly participated in his life, whether cruising, or dancing or taking his life in his hands by rooting for his beloved Jets in the midst of a hostile Dolphin crowd at a Jets-Dolphins game held here in Florida.

We fight it the way my brother Mel fought it, by devoting himself to his family, celebrating their accomplishments, encouraging them, being there for them when they needed him, no matter his own pain.

And we fight it the way my brother Mel fought it, by never, never giving in, no matter how overwhelming the odds, no matter how insurmountable the obstacles, by staring it in the face time after time after time and shouting No! You can't have me yet! There are still things I must do!

He never gave in, he never gave up.

Ultimately Mel lost the battle, as all of us eventually will, but he was not a loser. Let me tell you something Mel, you're a winner. You were my hero. I loved you and I will miss you. But your life will continue to be an inspiration to me, and to my family and your family and your friends. And that's how you live forever.

Note: Allan is one of Melvin's three brothers.

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