30 Doradus (the "Taranutala Nebula")
Would Outshine Orion Nebula if at Same Distance
30 Doradus, located in the constellation of Dorado (the "Swordfish") is an extremely luminous and enormous molecular cloud spanning 200 light years located in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). This region also contains several star clusters and is the most active starburst region in the Local Group of galaxies.
The LMG is the third closest galaxy to the Milky Way (160,000 lyr) and fourth largest in the Local Group of galaxies. Astronomers now classify the LMC object as a disrupted barred spiral galaxy although it was historically classified as an irregular galaxy.
If placed at distance of the Orion Nebula (abt. 1,300 lyr), the Tarantula Nebula might cast shadows!
Note: 30 Doradus only visible from locations south of about twenty degrees north latitude
See Photo below taken from Australia
Photo from Fitzroy Island, Queensland, Australia
(Latitude S 16.9 deg, Longitude E 146.0 deg)
Place cursor over picture to see labels (click to enlarge)
(Note Canopus, sky's 2nd brightest looking star, is observable from N. Florida latitudes & south during winter)

2012 Nov. 16, 11:20 p.m. AU EST (Nov. 17, 9:20 UT)
(A quick snapshot" with a DSLR on a tripod)
Camera: Canon DSLR EOS 5D II; Canon EF 50 mm, f/1.8 Lens
Exposure 15 sec, f/2 (ISO 6400) on Fixed Mount