Stars Trail Around The North Star (Polaris). Composite of images taken over nearly four hours by looking toward Haile Plantation on southwest side of Gainesville, Florida (2010 Feb. 10/11). Earth's rotation causes the stars to move around the north celestial pole. Photo Details: Canon EOS 5D II, EF 20-35mm USM, f/3.5-4.5 at 20mm. 30 sec exposures at f/4 for 3h 50m (equiv. ISO 400).
Suburban Star Trails Over Haile Plantation. Like above, a composite of 30 second images again taken from Gainesville suburbs only eight miles from University of Florida Campus. The camera reveals an abundance of stars circling around the North Star over a time period of more than seven hours (2011 January 3/4, 7:24 p.m-2:38 a.m. EST). The higher ISO camera setting reveals many more stars than the above photo. Also the longer time period allow the stars to move over almost a third of a complete circle. Photo Details: Photo Details: Canon EOS 5D II, EF 20-35mm USM, f/3.5-4.5 at 20mm. 30 sec exposures at f/4 for 7h 14m (equiv. ISO 1000).